
Video: Ordering a cab with Neal Fullman, GetTaxi UK's CEO

Video: Ordering a cab with Neal Fullman, GetTaxi UK's CEO

The other week I was delighted to meet with Neal Fullman, top man at GetTaxi UK. I’ve long been a big fan of the concept of GetTaxi ever since I heard it was coming to these shores. However I’ve not actually had the opportunity to use the service so Neal offered to pop down and give me a guided tour of their service. Although it’s incredibly simple to use, GetTaxi actually packs an array of superb features under the hood, especially for SMEs and enterprises. For the consumer though, the use-case is utterly simple:

1. Bring out your phone and run GetTaxi
2. Order a taxi and watch it arrive on the near-realtime map
3. Get into the taxi, arrive at your destination, done!

What’s really useful is the ability to store your credit card details so you never need to mess around with cash again. I find this a highly compelling feature. Indeed, in my mind it massively simplifies the whole scenario of getting a cab. I rarely carry wads full of cash so “getting a taxi” for me usually involves a visit to a cash point first — and if you’re in a part of town that’s not got a lot of those around, that can be very annoying.

The second key point that I love about this service concept is that you don’t need to hail or call a cab any more. They come to you. And they’re committed. I cannot stand it when I flag down a cab — usually in the late evening, in the rain — and find that the driver doesn’t actually stop. Instead he does a very slow ‘drive by’, sticks his window down, on the off chance you’re wanting to spend £100 going back to somewhere near his home. If not, then the drive chucks you a cursory “sorry mate” and speeds off. Yeah. Super-annoying. All those concerns disappears thanks to GetTaxi.

Anyway, to the video! Neal and I actually stood in Richmond Green and I filmed the order process over his shoulder. Then we got in the cab and I asked him some more questions about the service. Here’s the video:

As Neal mentioned, it’s no surprise that the enterprise features of GetTaxi are getting so much interest. I can seriously imagine whole firms moving their taxi policy to the likes of GetTaxi. Why bother with cash any more? And when so many of your employees either have their own smartphone or a company issued device, why not standardise?

You can be up and running with your credit card added on GetTaxi in about 60 seconds from installation. (Or even quicker if you just want to do a cash fare.)

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