
Video: The Rafe Blandford Interview

I am delighted to bring you this rare treat! An exclusive sit down interview with Rafe Blandford, founder and editor of All About Symbian. I filmed this whilst we were at the Symbian London headquarters interviewing many of their team. There was a break in proceedings whilst we waited for some more interview subjects to arrive, so I took the opportunity to get Rafe on camera. I put some initial questions to him then let him riff away. It makes for a very interesting backgrounder to the chap and a useful and alternative perspective on Symbian, Nokia and the like.

Some of the questions I asked him:

* What was his first mobile phone?
* How did he get interested in Symbian? (There were some broken bones involved)
* Why do you like the community-led approach of open systems?
* Just how frustrating does he find it when the uninformed ask, ‘Is Nokia/Symbian dead?‘
* Who won the Smartphone wars?

I thoroughly recommend taking a bit of time to watch.

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