
Vodafone and Google

Link:Reuters Article.

Britain’s Vodafone Group Plc, the world’s biggest mobile phone operator by sales, said on Tuesday it has signed a deal with Google to offer search capabilities on its Vodafone live! 3G service.

Google are on the frontpage of T-mobile’s mobile home page already.  They’re apparently going to be a ‘few clicks’ from the Vodafone Live frontpage.

Vodafone could do so much better.  It just isn’t good enough to make the consumer have to pay £2.50 every time they click on a new page that looks half interesting.  Get them engrossed.  Get them hooked.  Get them sharing and connecting, interacting and continually using the service — then sit back and let the data revenues roll in.  Don’t try and nail me for £3 for some 100 pixel wide image of an FHM babe.