
Vodafone doing a roaring trade in Middlesbrough?


Originally uploaded by smstextnews.

I was walking past the Vodafone shop yesterday — it had just closed so there wasn’t much to look at. Then I peered in the window and spotted that large flat panel monitor.

‘What’s that for?’ I thought.

I looked closer.

It’s an electronic queue counter thing. You take a ticket (from somewhere.. I couldn’t see the ticket dispenser) and ticket numbers and timings are displayed on the screen.

I know it’s a useful medium to keep your customers informed as to when they will be served — but is customer traffic really, really that high that they needed to deploy one of these systems?

At least it’ll hopefully keep the wanderers in the store — you must have done it yourself — walked into a store looking for assistance then got totally turned off when, after 10 minutes, there’s no one able to help? This might… possibly.. tempt me to hang around for longer.

It could also wind me up something chronic.