
Vodafone opens up

Despite the finances of the world not being so great right now, Vodafone has just announced 50 new shops.

In massive roll out that will rival the allied invasion planning of WWII, it’s all due to be done and dusted March of next year.

With a total of 1000 square foot being freshly occupied by the network operator, they’re also filling that space with 90 new jobs – besides just handsets.

In the first wave of the beach invasion they’ll be 18 stores, with the likes of Walton on Themes and Wimbledon Village seeing their first ever shop. Hurrah!

All in all, after the occupation has completed the total number of Vodafone stores on our streets will be 365.

Is it purely coincidence then it matches the days in a normal year?

Is there some sort of conspiracy going on with calendar makers?

It warrants further investigation surely.