
Vodafone UK's Android app competition

Have you checked out Vodafone UK’s Android application competition?

It’s not for developers per se — it appears to be aimed at absolutely everybody. The deal? Submit an idea for a mobile application and, if your idea is judged the best, it’ll be created by Vodafone and placed in the Android Marketplace. The winner will get £1,000 cash too, plus 10 runners up will get an HTC Magic handset.

It’s really easy to enter. Simply fill in this form:

What’s rather special about this Android competition is that it’s consumer. Vodafone have got together with Trevor Davies, the News of the World’s tech chap. Here’s the launch post on the News of the World site.

Android’s march to consumerism, particularly in the UK, is well underway then.

Trevor’s meant to be ‘blogging’ on the Vodafone App site, but I haven’t seen much from him yet. I did like his Away Game app idea though.

I’m rather impressed that Vodafone UK are stepping into iPhone territory, body-armour in place, ready to take a bite out of the Apple glory.

For example, on the website, there’s a ‘vote for your favourite App’ section, resplendent with good looking application icons:

The more Android handsets that Vodafone continues to release, the more exciting the space is going to become. It’s a good start by an operator. I’m sure these materials will be making their way into the stores and into the minds of normobs who’re already educated with the iPhone concept and, when confronted with a good deal on an HTC Magic or similar, will hop on board.

Meantime get yourself to the Vodafone UK Apps website and submit your ideas. You never know, you might win a grand and/or an HTC Magic.