
Vodafone's 100,000 a week iPhone habit puts paid to 360

I’ve been hearing on the grapevine about more Vodafone 360 woes. Despite the brilliant marketing, the service is understandably failing to capture consumer imagination. You’re still forbidden to send pictures to anywhere except social networks that Vodafone deems appropriate and relevant (Facebook is in, Flickr, Picasa and every other photo sharing service you can name is prohibited).

Pocket Lint reports that Vodafone have announced over 100,000 Vodafone customers have walked straight past the proverbial Vodafone 360 stand and headed straight for the sales desk to order an iPhone.

This is phenomenally good news for Vodafone and just goes to show how much pent-up demand there is for the jPhone (“Jesus Phone”).

Where are all the analysts who, late last year, said that everyone who wanted an iPhone had already bought one?

Probably busy authoring more ridiculously stupid reports.

By the way: If you’re the proud owner of a brand new Orange or Vodafone iPhone, greetings!

(You can also download the Mobile Industry Review app from the iTunes app store — search ‘Mobile Industry Review‘).