
Vodafone’s ‘App Store’: Mobile developers respond

I just published Vodafone’s news regarding their ‘app store’ initiative — and I’m already getting questions and reaction in from developers.

Here are some quotes right off the press from some mobile developers. (I have removed names).

– “I’d like to know how much of my revenues they’ll demand.”

– “I like the ease of billing and the potential of micro-payments.”

– “I suspect they’ll take 30% just like Apple / Nokia etc. I hope it’s not more than that.”

– “It’s just another App store – we WILL develop for it, obviously, but only because I’m yet to see which store will capture the minds of consumers.”

– “I very much like the concept. Especially if one SDK works across a number of MNOs. That would be really cool.”

– “Is this too good to be true? It sure looks like it.”

– “If they were REALLY thinking of developers, they’d be finding a way to reduce the amount of work we need to do across the various mobile programming languages. Perhaps they are, I can’t quite work it out yet.”

– “Interesting, interesting… that’s all I have to say until you tell us more, Ewan.”

I’m aiming to have more information soon! If you’ve got a comment or opinion, drop me a note —

(I regularly tap up people for live reaction — if you’d like to be on that list, add me at on Google Talk or ewanjmacleod on Skype.)

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Originally published on Mobile Developer TV and automatically republished here on Mobile Industry Review. View the original post.