
Vodafone's Free Calls

Originally uploaded by ew4n.

Hot on the heels of my sweaty Vodafone post, here’s another related one.

The huge banner at the intersection of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road is advertising the free weekend calls and texts on Pay as you Talk.

On face value it looks like a good deal.

I have a Pay as you Talk on Vodafone and a 3g data card — but not a standard pay monthly contract. Therefore I am quite delighted to read such an advertisement.

However I pity the Vodafone monthly customers who are walking by this advert and thinking ‘right, but what about me who’s on contract, what are you doing for ME?’

The stop-the-clock option on Vodafone is applicable to both Pay as yo Talk and Contract. Shouldn’t this deal be applicable to both as well?

Isn’t it a bit naughty winding up your contract customers?

Whenever I used to see this sort of thing, I can remember being silently enraged for a few minutes.

I’d be right annoyed if I walked down the road and saw a T-mobile poster advertising a seemingly wicked pay as you go deal.

Isn’t the science in making sure that you don’t exclude any of your customer sets?

Who knows.