
Vodafone's new web page design

Vodafone's new web page design

Vodafone’s new web page design
Originally uploaded by ew4n.

WIth all the excitement about Three, I hadn’t noticed that Vodafone quietly swapped to a funky new website design as illustrated.

I like it. Take a look at

I had hoped that there would also be a totally new set of price plans 😉 But not quite.

However, I got thoroughly interested when I found that they’re offering an N93 (“mission impossible edition”). Almost suffiicently alluring for me to sign-up. In fact if I’d just walked into a Vodafone store to look around, I could have been very much persuaded.

Although, I, like any other Vodafone N93 user, would have walked out the shop frightened to do take a photo in case it automatically uploaded somewhere and charged me £2.35 a meg.

Still, super new website update.

That leaves o2 as the holder of the SMS Text News Shittest-Operator-Website award.