
VoipStunt - potentially unusable?

So Alfie has been using VoipStunt all day every day since he found the service.  I on the other hand, have not.  I’ve used it a good amount of time to test it out.

First I phoned my business partner Hetty using it.  I asked her what she thought of it as we talked.  Being diplomatic she started, "Well………….".  She hated it.  I was forgiving the delay and the various little cut-outs.  She was not.   Good news, I suppose, because I wanted a direct opinion from a non-geek.  It was usable, … you know, hey, it’s free… but after a few minutes I stopped and switched to calling her via  I wonder if it’s my wi-fi that just can’t handle the latency or something.

Then I thought I’d try out calling Keith in Canada.  He was well up for the challenge of testing it — he gave me his home landline (not his VOIP) so we could do a good proper test.  Alas, there was a good 1 or 2 second delay 😐 

Usable. It was usable, just, not good for a real-time discussion.  You need to be disciplined to expect and accept the latency and adjust around it.  I’ll try it again some more…