
Vote George Kidd: Sensible policies for a happier Britain

It’s voting time — so reckons Technokitten:
Link: Musings of a mobile marketer: Vote George Kidd NOW!!

It’s dead easy to vote for George so there’s no excuse. You just text NMA 4 (there’s a space between NMA and the 4) and send it to 83338. Get your votes in before the 1st June. Winner announced on the 28th June at the NMA Awards at the Grosvenor House Hotel

Yes, that’s right, you can cast your vote in the New Media Age awards.

I just did. It was a bit annoying having to type out NMA. It isn’t in your T9, you see. I’d have chosen MEDIA as the keyword, or maybe NEW. But that’s because I’m often picky like that.

I got a text straight back acknowledging my vote. I presume it wasn’t a premium one 😉

I sat next to George once at a meal — a very nice chap.

I have, incidentally, got over my personal boycott of New Media Age. Last year I was trying to link to one of their articles only to find out that they were still arsing around with passwords and user accounts on their website. That all appears to have gone now. Excellent.