
Wanna work with Playboy UK?

Playboy UK are hunting for some people to work in their Marketing & Sales Division.  If you know anyone who’s interested, the chap to speak to his Richard Gale — I can connect you.   I’ve just posted summaries, if you’d like more info, just mail me and I’ll send over the job specs. 

The roles:

Online Marketing Manager
The objective of the role is to develop new business and revenue streams for the company’s new online venture ( This role will develop new business and manage the business to ensure that it is delivering high value to the company.

Online/Wireless Business Development Manager
The objective of the role is to develop new business and revenue streams for the company’s new online venture. This role will develop new business and then manage the business to ensure that it is delivering high value to the company.

Also required:
– Senior Marketing Executive
– Web Developer