
We've done a wee update to MIR

If you’re from Scotland, you say ‘wee’ when you mean ‘little’ in English. It’s just a thing.

So we’ve done a wee update to Mobile Industry Review. Have a look and let us know what you think.

To set your expectations, it’s not revolutionary. It’s a work in progress.

We’ve dumped the scrolling features. Whilst it was nice, I resolved that it wasn’t cutting it. I didn’t get a sense of what was featured ‘immediately’. I had to sit and wait for it to scroll through.

So that’s gone. In it’s place, three feature images:

I’ve also added a little feature box on the far right containing a few relevant bits:

The rest of the site stays broadly the same although I’ve reduced the number of articles on the frontpage before you have to click ‘previous’.

Plus I attacked the code like no-tomorrow. There were quite a few unnecessary scripts and stylesheets loading — all meaning that the site did take a good few seconds to render. Last night I counted about 7-8 sounds for the frontpage to load. This morning? 2-3 seconds.


But certainly not complete. If you’ve got any ideas or suggestions for the next update (probably this week or early next week), let me know.