
What Nokia needs to learn from Apple Keynotes

Yeah it’s another Nokia post, I know.

I really liked this one so I wanted to highlight it, not just tweet about it.

Jay Montano over at My Nokia Blog has posted a super, super piece thus: “What Nokia needs to learn from Apple Keynotes. Pointers from Steve Job’s iPhone 4 announcement

In what he describes as ‘mainly a tongue in cheek rant’, Jay outlines a lot of the points I’d like to see Nokia take to heart:

– Perception, Perception, Perception
– Elaborate on your features (e.g. more pixels per inch = better experience)
– Create new terminology for old features (‘FaceTime’, ‘Retina Display’)
– Marketing babble – Hyperbole power
– The public don’t know what they want – you need to tell them
– It’s all about creating the perception of need: Make your own game with your own rules
– You need to have a believable, friendly, and really motivated speaker
– Sell ASAP (i.e. don’t announce the launch for 6 months hence)

Too right.

Have a read and tell me what you think.