
What was your best phone ever? Here's mine!

I was scrolling through the back archives of Mobile Industry Review / SMS Text News and I came across this post (“What was your best phone ever? Here’s mine!“).

I was writing about the Sony CMD-Z5. I wrote the post in October 2007.

And I find it quite surprising that, even after 2 more years of mobile devices hitting the marketplace, the CMD-Z5 is STILL my best phone, ever.

Here’s what I wrote:

I have been thinking a lot, for some UBER strange reason, about the Sony CMD Z5 handset. Do you remember it?

Here’s a picture:

cmd z5

It was, without doubt, one of the best handsets I’ve ever owned. Obviously it doesn’t cut it now in today’s world of high tech gizmos. Stick it next to a Nokia N95 and it looks positively stoneage.

I bought one, a while back. I felt like I should — it was only £20 from eBay. I think I used it once — it’s now sat gathering dust (perhaps rather predictable…).

The battery is still fantastic, the screen nice and large, the 20-second on-board voicemail (you can listen to people leaving the messages) is still operational. I think that was my favourite feature; that and the flip — I always found the little flip bit entirely satisfying. And when the flip was closed, it wouldn’t obscure the entire screen so you could always see who was calling. Sony jog dial. Forget your Blackberry jog dial, the CMD-Z5 had that years before they did! Perfect size too. Metal. You didn’t have to worry about it in your pocket (unlike the StarTac – remember that? I remember putting the StarTac in my pocket the wrong way and almost crushing it as I sat down).

I’ve no idea why I was thinking about this phone. I might, actually, have a bet with myself and try using it for a week! Goodness knows how I’d sync all my contacts to it. I doubt the memory goes beyond a few hundred numbers (I looked it up — 500 numbers max).

It’s potentially worrying, if you stop for a moment and consider: Who else sits daydreaming, now and again, about age-old handsets?

Well, perhaps you could help make me look less of a weirdo but confessing what your favourite-ever handset is?

(Photos from GSM Arena)

What’s your best phone ever?