
Whatley on the iPhone: "Meh. Next."

Now that the iPhone’s out and there’s no more arsing about with guesswork, we’ll be bringing you a lot of opinions about the release. It’s all too tempting to view the iPhone as the second coming (well, it is 2.0) but the reality is that Nokia alone have, what, 700m handsets out there. iPhone is way, way behind.

So, the first iPhone opinion from contributor James Whatley. To put this in context, he’s a huge, huge, HUGE Nokia user and fan. Can he be persuaded?

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I’ve actually been working my ass off all day and haven’t really been paying that much attention – I’m sick of all the tweets TBH. I got the vibe that others were too.

I did take a look though. I wasn’t “amazed”. And I think, as our mate Jon said ‘the difficult 2nd album‘ as it were.

There was scope to do better…


And as for new pricing? As I said above – I’ve not seen it, not bothered, not paying attention.

What is ‘Apple’s Mobile Me’? Not bothered. Really. Not. Fussed.

Not upgrading. I told you that I’m content creator. I told you that my phone does everything for me. That iPhone? Nah. Nothin.




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Thanks for that James!