
Who are the best executive search headhunters in the mobile world?

I am hoping to crowdsource a list of mobile industry headhunters. Can you help?

Now and again I’ve had emails from senior executives in and around the mobile industry contact me asking if I can recommend any headhunters. Sometimes it’s because the executive in question is keen to exit. Other times — and more often than not — it’s because they’re looking to retain an agency to help them find a particular individual. And although most big companies tend to have a few go-to agencies they use, there’s always room for more, especiallßy if it’s a key hire.

If you’re looking for work, or if you’re looking to hire, a list would be useful.

I’m thinking I should list out the individuals I know or have come across, linking to both their LinkedIn profiles and their company websites. I’m aiming for a good list of those who work in the mobile world but I don’t think they need to be limited only to that industry, given the mobile now underpins or penetrates almost every basic industry.

I won’t bother listing email addresses to save the individuals from the perennial nightmare of spam — but LinkedIn is a perfectly good way of connecting with them.

Let me start it off with this one:

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Charles Matthews
Marlin Hawk

I’ve met Charles for coffee and found him a pleasant, informed, focused individual. Although I’ve no direct experience working with him,  a few people in my network have nodded sagely when I’ve mentioned his name, so that can only be good news.

Updated — I’ve got the first recommendation already:

Thayer Prime
Team Prime

I’ve not met Thayer yet — I’ll try and right that shortly — however the recommendation comes from one of the UK’s brightest and most influential mobile experts.

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There we go. I’ll add a few more shortly.

Now, over to you. Who do you rate and recommend? Bonus points if you’ve actually been placed by them or if you’ve hired a good colleague via them. Please do email me with your recommendations ( or comment with a name/company below and I’ll get them added above.