
Who does T-Mobile UK whitelisting?

No wonder the mobile industry isn’t really going anywhere. Unless you’re an Apple iPhone app developer in the top 10.

Have a read of this one posted to the MoMo London newsgroup:

Hi there,

Does anyone have a contact at TMobile to talk about getting a site white listed – We have a site which up until yesterday (or at least was fine on Friday) which hosts some images. The images are just some business assest (logos etc) and are all non-18 rated, yet yesterday we found out that the site is now (when you go to that subdomain on a browser) restricted access.

Does anyone know what we can do to get our site back on “unrestricted” or white listed or whatever we need to do (or someone at TMobile who can help us with that)?

Best Regards
James Taylor

How frustrating? Just-like-that, your site is now blacklisted. And the only phone number you’ve got is the Customer Service line filled with very professional folk who don’t know anybody at head office.

This is why T-Mobile needs a James Whatley. A front-guy on the internet to monitor, filter and manage any reasonable request. Whether it’s a handset screwing up (pass them to someone who can deal with customer queries properly), a business development enquiry for head office — or a white/blacklist enquiry from a company trying to push the mobile industry forward.

Isn’t it ridiculous that you have to arse hunting for a business critical contact at one of the country’s largest mobile operators?

Won’t somebody please buy T-Mobile UK a James Whatley?