
Why Flirtomatic has been so successful

On the tube this evening I look down and see a chap – looks like a student (you know, intellectualish, smelly, manicured nails) and noticed his rubbish Sony Ericsson. So old is this device they will soon be giving them away free at Petrol/Gas Stations and in Christmas Crackers.

That said, I was astonished to see the chap bring up the device’s web browser, navigate to Google and do a search. Yes it’s an excruciating thought for you or I on that kind of device. But the reality is, millions are accessing the internet primarily via their (currently rubbish) devices. Which is why the likes of Flirtomatic — aimed squarely at the feature-phone masses — is being so successful with its mobile web strategy.

In two years time though, I hope to see similar folks brandishing their cheapo Android devices.

Or maybe the ever-elusive $49 iPhone Nano? 😉

Posted via email from MIR Live