
Why do the British send more texts?

I was reading the OFCOM report that came out earlier this week, and I was intrigued, naturally, with the segment on the mobiles.

According to the figures we send around over forty more text messages than the French or Germans do; and I want to know why?

OFCOM believe it’s something to do with the availability of mobile communications that we all have now, but so does France and Germany. And it’s also not that the UK are more technologically advanced than our European counterparts. So what makes us text more?

I’ve been racking my brains out, and I can’t come to a conclusion. I just over two months I’ve sent just over a hundred texts, many of which were to Twitter. But as for general communication? I barely use SMS to converse with anyone other than my Mum, or to find out if I have the time for social gathering correct.

Then again, not everyone is like me. For example, a friend of my mine just told me she gets five hundred texts a month, uses them all up, and ends up paying 12p per text there-after. In all, she reckons somewhere near eight-hundred texts.

Then, my Mum, she sends around hundred a month.

So why is it we text more? Do we have anything more interesting or important in our lives that requires us to text more? Or are we more lazy with our voices? Do we prefer the mask of the written word to cover our feelings to the people we are communicating with?

I think it maybe partially due to the feelings; for example, on a number of occasions I’ve decided to text someone I’m not in the mood to speak with, even though I much prefer voice conversation. That way, I can mask any disdain and bitterness I feel at the moment, or if I want, sound more blunt and to the point.

I want to know what you think?

Send any questions or e-mails into my address at