
Why I shouldn't have bought a Motorola Q9c

Way back in September I posted a note about my ridiculous experience with the Motorola Q9c handset I used on Sprint whenever I’m in the States.

I most certainly didn’t hold back on my viewpoints. I recall writing:

Switch it off and let the device run through it’s flocking annoying startup rigmarole (you can, almost feel it creaking through it’s startup sequence like one of the very best IBM 386SX’s) and it’ll work.


Class-A FLOCKING useless.

However unimpressed I am doesn’t compare to reader Mexiken. Ken is deeply annoyed. So much so, he was moved to point his feelings out this morning by adding this comment:

You’re just a douche that doesn’t know how to use WM phones. People like you should be taken out to a farm and shot, to put the rest of us out of our misery, and to stop you from taking up “invaluable” web space.

Well then, Mexiken, thank you for taking the time to post. I have got a video showing exactly how bad the experience is. Watch and enjoy:

I also standby my cock paragraph, thus:

If you’ve got a Motorola Q9, then you’re a cock for choosing it, you’re a cock for giving them money for the rubbish device, you’re a cock for reading this and STILL owning it. You’re a cock. You’re a HUGE cock. Just like me.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is a huge cock:
