
Win cool stuff and support 2 great charities!

You love free stuff.

We love free stuff (whenever we can).

We love giving you our free stuff more.

Viewers of the show will know we’ve handed out promotional and review devices to commenters for some time now, giving out some quite desirable kit recently.  We’re not going to stop doing that in the new year, but until then I’d like to introduce…

Mobile Industry Review Christmas Presents
MIR CP Prizes 600

We’ve stashed away some of our best stuff and will be giving it away in a draw on the 10th December with the intention that it reaches you in time for Christmas – a gift for you one less thing to buy.

So what’s different?  This time around we won’t be picking winners from the site’s comments.  Instead we’re running a prize draw.  Entry to the draw is in exchange for a donation to Mobile Industry Review’s two chosen charities – the UK-based Childline and the UN Foundation (winners of a Mobile Industry Review award) which operates internationally.

Full details and an online donation form can be found on our MIR Christmas Presents page so please head over there now.  Please support us in helping these excellent causes who rely on telecoms and mobile technology to help people in desperate need.