
Windows Live Is Dead On AT&T's Treo 750

The Palm Treo 750 was gifted with an update earlier this year, offering Windows Mobile 6 and a few other enhancements to AT&T customers. A few of the features of the updated include general speed enhancements, along with better sync support for Vista desktops and support for Microsoft’s direct push technology.

Oh yeah, and AT&T went ahead and removed the Windows Live service, as well. They’d much rather you use their Xpress Mail and instant messaging application, which uses SMS rather than data. Don’t you love when carriers make choices for you, in their favor?

What’s really frustrating for AT&T customers is that the unbranded version of the Treo 750 is fully rocking with Windows Live support, verifying that it was AT&T’s greedy decision. Odd for a company so proud of being so ‘open’ methinks.

Anyone know if you can easily unbrand a Treo 750?