
Women twice as likely to dump their partner by text

Link: The Daily Record – NEWS – News Feed – THUMB TOTAL – THUMB TOTAL

Researchers revealed yesterday that 4.7million texts are sent every hour in the UK. And the revolution is led by women, with twice as many as men saying they could not live without texts.

They are increasingly using their mobiles as a dating aid – with a third admitting they regularly flirt via text. And they are twice as likely as men to coldly dump their partner by text. Half of all women also use text to send secret messages – including inquiries about sensitive information such as dating agency numbers and locations of medical clinics.

That’s some interesting figures, courtesy of directory firm 118118 – who commissioned the survey. Spokesman William Ostrom is quoted as saying: “The idea of men making the most of new technology is exposed as a myth. In reality, it is women who have adopted texting most successfully.”

We’ve already got women-only car insurance, so how about a female mobile tariff? Comes with free bundled flirt time and and a self-destructing outbox to hide all those ‘secret’ texts 🙂