
Would you have a Samsung Galaxy for £22/month?


Michael at MobileBurn highlights a tweet from o2 Germany pointing out that the all new Samsung Galaxy Tab Android tablet will hit the network in October costing €99 up front with a €27.50 contract.

If you translate those prices directly to sterling, that equates to £82 up front and £22 per month. Now I reckon the o2 UK prices will be slightly in advance of that, but at this level, could you see yourself picking one up soonish?

Or no? Too much of a gimmick? Far too happy with your iPad?

I wonder how the operator subsidy is going to change the market dynamics. I think there’s a lot more people who’d be clamouring for an iPad if it was £49 or £99 up front with a monthly contract, rather than around 500-700+ pounds straight on the credit card.