
WP7: "Are you done yet"? Good series of ads from Microsoft

The chaps over at WPCentral picked up this video highlighting a new series of Windows Phone 7 video ads coming soon from Microsoft.

The ads are particularly smart. They highlight some of the smart features of the operating system that help you get stuff done quickly. Complete with on-screen stopwatch.

Believe it or not, WP7 is actually very nice. I’ve been living with it for a while now and some of the little features are particularly genius.

Microsoft, then, has decided to capitalise on them. For example, the share-to-Facebook feature. It’s super quick on WP7. Super quick. [Not as fast as a Nokia N86 running ShoZu, mind you, but … let’s move on.]

Have a look at this video courtesy of WinRumours and see what you think. I reckon the average normob (“normal mobile user”) is likely to be highly impressed by these ads.

This, by the way, is good news for Nokia. If Microsoft keep up this kind of smart work — and you combine that with Nokia’s talented marketing skills (and gorgeous device capabilities), it could be a very powerful combination.

Bring it on!