
Yeah, forget the Skyfire S60 browser

I posted a note last night about 100 beta invitations for the S60 version of the Skyfire browser. Forget that.

Strike it from your memory. Screw it, with bells on.

You can’t actually get the beta, if you’re in the UK, Europe or anywhere other than America. Which is one of the dumbest things that Skyfire has dreamed up. In the email I received from their truly efficient PR, there was a note about a text message being sent to American numbers only. I didn’t dream think that this actually effected the actual sign-up process. No one would be that stupid.

Or so I thought.

I’m particularly annoyed because I look like a total arse, proffering invitations to Mobile Industry Review’s readers — the vast majority of them, serious Nokia-heads, keen to see what Skyfire was on about. I’ve begun writing to everyone that’s emailed me asking what I was thinking publishing, to quote one reader, ‘such drivel’. ‘It doesn’t work outside America??’ and ‘Skyfire = dumb’, are another quotes.

It’s a pretty shit hot browser. But it’s — like UIQ — heading for the way of the dodo, if the American-centric mindset is going to continue. It needs to be implemented now. Not tomorrow, not next week and not in 6 months. Limited patience.

We should, I think, follow Skyfire’s example. If you’re not in America, ignore it. If you are in America, get an iPhone.