
YouGetItBack works for Steve of The Hot Aisle

The last time I bumped into Steve, founder of The Hot Aisle IT Operations news site, I noticed he had one of those YouGetItBack stickers on his Nokia N95 8GB.

Good thing he did. He left it in a taxi recently:

I didn’t even register that I had lost it until I got an email from You Get It Back a truly fantastic company founded on the principle that most people are honest. I stuck a You Get It Back sticker on my Nokia a few months ago after I got a free sample, the sticker has a simple message – Reward for Return and a freephone number.

You can read more about Steve’s experience here.

I have, perhaps, been operating on a far more cynical viewpoint than is necessary. Maybe if I had YouGetItBack stickers, I’d have had a lot more of my handsets returned?

Steve’s just ordered a job lot.

I think I might get some too.