
Your iPhone 4 is 'not hooked up right' -- it's official

Well then, the iPhone 4 is officially a dud.

David Letterman just ran a ‘Top 10 signs you’ve purchased a bad iPhone 4’ feature. That’s the iPhone 4’s “problems” (whether you think they’re real or imagined) now in the American public consciousness.

The American media is of course jumping on the bandwagon — and before you know it, the company’s stock is down $9bn.

Apple now need to make an announcement over the next few days to fix the issue. A free plastic bumper with every phone, or some kind of token gesture to enable the mainstream news media to update the public’s perspective. Let this one run and the continued success of the iPhone 4 — and the company’s reputation — are going to take a beating.

Here’s the Letterman segment in question:

(Via CrunchBase)