
Your chance to help with a new book on media

Mr Jonathan MacDonald (who, incidentally, appears in the upcoming Unlimited Drinks video) is writing a book. He’s going to focus on how new media has changed the delivery and consumption of information. A matter of substantial interest to me.

Jonathan’s hunting for assistance. If you’ve got a perspective on media and consumption of info, pop over to his site and read the following post — and see if you’d like to help him out.

Would you like to be an Editor? | Jonathan

I am writing a book about communication and the way in which new media has changed delivery and consumption of information.

It seems that there may be some value in the stuff I am writing about and (probably because I am going to ramble on anyway), I have been recommended by numerous people to write ‘a book’.

In an attempt to avoid a common mistake as we see when new businesses start up just because their friends tell them their idea rocks, I have listened and asked many people throughout this year about the potential demand for such a publication. Indeed, why have a publication at all? Surely this blog is sufficient.