
You've just a week to enter the Smart UK Project competition

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I strongly recommend taking a look at the Smart UK Project competition. It’s backed by the UK Government and aims to highlight the most innovative British mobile companies on the global stage. It gets a lot of attention, both from the industry and from the media and it’s a fabulous way of meeting a lot of smart people very quickly.

Indeed I’d almost recommend not necessarily entering to win. With the Smart UK Project, just being counted, just being in the room, can be incredibly valuable. If you become a finalist then, if it’s anything like last year, you’ll effectively get a small free stand at MWC (along with free tickets to attend). Being on the British Government’s mobile innovation stand can be rather useful, not least because even the most stressed media hacks usually put in an appearance.

It’s not necessarily about the media exposure though. It’s more about the networking. The team behind the Smart UK Project are ridiculously well connected as you might expect when you’ve the might of the British Government behind you. It’s the connections you’ll make that can really help your business.

Entry is free — although you do have to fulfil the criteria. If you’re a startup, the chances are you’ve got all the mission statements and descriptions sitting ready to be cut-n-paste into the entry form already so it should take you about 10 minutes to complete the form.

Good luck, every success. And make sure you complete the form before the 11th of January next week!

The SmartUKProject is seeking nominations for the UK’s most innovative mobile company until Friday 11th January 2013.

Any UK-based company working in the mobile industry that can demonstrate a new product or service that has the potential to change the way people use mobile across the world is encouraged to enter.

Shortlisted entrants will receive pitching support, a place at a media networking event before Mobile World Congress and global media exposure.

The finalists will receive a ticket to Mobile World Congress 2013 for the final judging where the UK’s Most Innovative Mobile Company will be announced on 27th February.

Companies wishing to enter the competition can now do so at